Bill J. Bonnstetter

Bill J. Bonnstetter is considered one of the pioneers of the assessment industry because of his significant contributions to the research and study of human behavior. He is also the author of eHarmony's original private label relationship report, given away free to eHarmony users, which helped the online dating site market its matching capability, and assure users they were accurately assessed and understood. He was the first to computerize the DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliant) assessment and wrote the book on DISC behaviors. Relentlessly driven to set the industry standard, Bonnstetter and his team at Target Training International, Ltd. have worked over the last 25 years to continue to research and develop assessments to provide unique solutions for his clients. TTI's groundbreaking work and thought leadership have given way to three U.S. patents, with a fourth pending.

Anne Klink

Anne Klink is a devoted pet owner, as well as an accomplished businesswoman. Born and raised in western Massachusetts, Anne has degrees from Bay Path College and Ottawa University. She has harnessed her career in education with the University of Illinois-Urbana and the elite Tesseract School to seize business opportunities launching new ventures and initiating business operations. When not talking to, playing with and caring for her cats, Oreo and Chubba, and her dog, Mr. Kodiak, she is responsible for coordinating and managing executive projects for Target Training International, Ltd.